оронавирус COVID–19: Информация для клиентов касательно коронавируса COVID-19
Наш инструмент расширенного поиска позволяет найти продукцию, в точности соответствующую вашим требованиям.
оронавирус COVID–19: Информация для клиентов касательно коронавируса COVID-19
As a global company we understand the need to protect our environment within which we live and work, and we are committed to minimising the impact of our operations on both a local and international level.
Our annual environmental objectives and targets are developed as part of our process of continual improvement, and monitored on a monthly basis. This includes energy efficiency, waste minimisation, resource efficiency and recycling, as well as any environmental risks associated with our work. Every part of our operations is challenged to meet these targets.
As part of our commitment to the environment, CMP Products and the wider British Engines Group achieved certification in BS EN ISO 14001:2004 in September 2015.
Our commitment to the environment is also demonstrated through initiatives such as: