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оронавирус COVID–19: Информация для клиентов касательно коронавируса COVID-19

Busan, South Korea

Located in Busan, on the south-eastern tip of the Korean Peninsula, CMP’s Korean office is within easy reach of largest container handling port in the country and the fifth largest in the world. This is a significant location for CMP Products as we continue to win new projects being built out of the Korean shipyards, and is well situated to allow us to train significant numbers of installers on-site.


Rm1915 Centum IS Tower, Jaesong-dong Centum Bukdae-ro 60, Haeundae-gu, Busan, South Korea, 48059

Тел.: +82 51 780 5300
Факс: +82 51 780 8348
Эл. почта: busanoffice@cmp-products.com