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Friday, 16 August 2019

Meet Business Administration Apprenticeship, Katie Dunn

1. How long have you been at CMP? CMP Apprentice Katie Dunn

I started my Business Administration Apprenticeship at CMP in May 2018. I’ve been here for six months now.

2. What appealed to you about an apprenticeship scheme?

After finishing school, I wanted to continue learning and gain a qualification in a practical, hands-on way. I didn’t enjoy studying at school, and an exam-based university degree was not the way forward for me.

3. What attracted you to the British Engines Apprenticeship scheme in particular?

British Engines is a well-established name and a family-owned company. The scheme includes a variety of activities, and I was interested in gaining experience across different departments.

4. Tell us about a typical day in your role.

I usually start my day by recording the hand assembly logs onto IFS – this helps us keep track of every product assembled ready for shipment. I also assist with month-end administration, ensuring that all inspection records are correct and up-to-date.

I often work with our Global Purchasing Manager, and enjoy practising my negotiating skills with suppliers!

5. How does your role integrate with other departments within the business?

I integrate with various departments throughout the business. From supporting assembly administration and checking pick lists for packing, I also provide support with planning orders and shipments.

When I need help or guidance with my learning, I feel well-supported by the whole CMP Team.

6. How do you keep on top of your learning, and apply it practically to your role?

I meet with my tutor from TDR (Training Development Resource) on a monthly basis to review my learning and set tasks at work for the month ahead. At the end of each module, I also complete question sheets online.

One module I am currently working on is to do with ‘Bespoke Business Documents’. I’ve been able to apply what I’ve learned practically by looking at CMP templates for Standard Operating Procedures.

7. What do you like to do in your spare time?

In my spare time I enjoy socialising with my friends and family.

8. What do you find most rewarding about your role?

On my first day I felt quite overwhelmed at how much there was to learn, from how the IFS system works, to all our product part codes and everything in between. I’ve learned so much in such a short space of time, and I find that extremely rewarding.

9. What are your career aspirations in the future?

I’ve only been in this role for a short amount of time, and I am looking forward to continuing my apprenticeship, exploring different areas of the business. I’m really enjoying my time at CMP, and would love to continue my career here.

To learn more about CMP, visit our CMP World section. Alternatively, more on apprenticeships can be found on the British Engines website here.