Saturn Quad Cable Cleat (QSDSS) Quad Application, Metal Cable Cleats

The Saturn quad cable cleats are metallic cable cleats which have been designed, constructed, and tested in accordance with the International Standard ‘cable cleats for Electrical Installations’ IEC 61914 to ensure the securing and retention of cables, without sustaining damage to the cable.

The range is fabricated from 316L stainless steel, giving it high creep strength whilst providing excellent corrosion resistance in the harshest of environments. Designed for Quad application / formation.

The cleat has three M10 fixing clearance holes within one base allowing versatility to the installer during installation, and is designed to enable the product to be secured to a variety of mounting surfaces. The pre formed cleat opens fully allowing the cables to be easily placed within the cable cleat to aid the installer before closing and securing via the mouth bolt.

Liners come as standard which help to restrain the cable(s) within vertical applications. Where thermal elongation of cables occurs, the liner also provides a layer of protection between the cable sheath and the cable cleat during normal operation. This additional layer protects the cable from chafing on any mounting surface due to differential movements such as those found in marine and offshore applications. The liners also assist in the extra protection of cable(s) in the event of short circuit fault conditions. The standard liners supplied are classified as Low Smoke & Fume (LSF), Zero Halogen (LS0H) and Phosphorus Free.


  • Third party certification to IEC 61914
  • 316L stainless steel
  • For quad formation / application
  • Short circuit rating of 152kA peak fault
  • Operating temperature -60°C to +60°C or -76°F to +140°F
  • Liners are classified as Low Smoke & Fume (LSF),
  • Zero Halogen (LS0H) and Phosphorus Free
  • Combined single (M10) or 2 bolt (M10) fixing design
One short circuit
300mm fixed cleat
Two short circuits
300mm fixed cleat
Two short circuits
600mm fixed cleat
One short circuit
300mm fixed cleat
0.1 sec0.1 sec0.1 sec1 sec
152kA Peak138kA Peak103kA Peak82kA Peak
69.1kA r.m.s62.7kA r.m.s49.0kA r.m.s40.2kA r.m.s
Type 6.1.3 Composite QSDSS - Standard Duty Stainless Steel
Design Specification IEC 61914
Temperature for permanent application -60°C to +60°C
IEC 61914 clause 6.2
Needle Flame Test Pass - 120 second flame application time
IEC 61914 clause 10.0, 10.1, IEC 60695-11-5
Lateral Load Test Refer to CMP Products, IEC 61914 clause 9.3
Axial Load Test Refer to CMP Products, IEC 61914 clause 9.4
Impact Resistance Pass - Very heavy
IEC 61914 clause 6.3, 6.3.5, 9.2
Material 316L Stainless Steel with Standard Liners
Standard liners are classified as Low Smoke & Fume
(LSF), Zero Halogen (LS0H) and Phosphorus Free

Coatings are available upon request by adding the following suffixes to the ordering reference – EC for epoxy coating, PC for polyester coating and TC for thermoplastic coating.

Example order reference for epoxy coating suffix EC (QSDSS026031EC). Fasteners required to secure the cable cleat to the support structure are not included but can be supplied upon request/

Isolation/separation pads (to prevent corrosion between two dissimilar metals) are not included but can be supplied on request - see isolation/separation pad page 66.

Jump to technical illustration    Fixing Pack Information

Product Selection Table

Quad Part No.Cable Ø RangeDimensions (mm)Weight (g)
WHDFixing Hole Ø
QSDSS0160200.63-0.792.483.432.281 x M10N/A10.58
QSDSS0190230.75-0.912.203.662.281 x M10N/A10.90
QSDSS0210270.83-0.942.523.982.281 x M10N/A11.78
QSDSS0260311.02-1.222.834.292.281 x M10N/A12.42
QSDSS0300341.18-1.343.074.532.281 x M10N/A12.84
QSDSS0330371.30-1.463.314.762.171 x M102 x M1011.92
QSDSS0360401.42-1.573.545.002.171 x M102 x M1012.31
QSDSS0390431.54-1.693.785.242.171 x M102 x M1012.49
QSDSS0410451.61-1.773.945.392.171 x M102 x M1012.91
QSDSS0440471.73-1.854.095.512.171 x M102 x M1013.47
QSDSS0460511.81-2.014.335.792.171 x M102 x M1015.13
QSDSS0490531.93-2.094.576.022.171 x M102 x M1015.41
QSDSS0520562.05-2.204.806.262.171 x M102 x M1015.94
QSDSS0550592.17-2.325.046.502.171 x M102 x M1016.47
QSDSS0580622.28-2.445.286.732.171 x M102 x M1016.90
QSDSS0610652.40-2.565.516.972.171 x M102 x M1017.46
QSDSS0640682.52-2.685.757.202.171 x M102 x M1018.06
QSDSS0670712.64-2.805.987.442.171 x M102 x M1018.52
Quad Part No.Cable Ø RangeDimensions (mm)Weight (g)
WHDPFixing Hole Ø
QSDSS01602016-20638758N/A1 x M10N/A300
QSDSS01902319-23569358N/A1 x M10N/A309
QSDSS02102721-276410158N/A1 x M10N/A334
QSDSS02603126-317210958N/A1 x M10N/A352
QSDSS03003430-347811558N/A1 x M10N/A364
QSDSS03303733-378412155251 x M102 x M10338
QSDSS03604036-409012755251 x M102 x M10349
QSDSS03904339-439613355251 x M102 x M10354
QSDSS04104541-4510013755251 x M102 x M10366
QSDSS04404744-4710414055251 x M102 x M10382
QSDSS04605146-5111014755501 x M102 x M10429
QSDSS04905349-5311615355501 x M102 x M10437
QSDSS05205652-5612215955501 x M102 x M10452
QSDSS05505955-5912816555501 x M102 x M10467
QSDSS05806258-6213417155501 x M102 x M10479
QSDSS06106561-6514017755501 x M102 x M10495
QSDSS06406864-6814618355751 x M102 x M10512
QSDSS06707167-7115218955751 x M102 x M10525

Technical Illustration